
Showing posts from August, 2020

Best Plushies for Kids 2020

  hi guys and welcome back in this video   I'll show you some theorize that you can   make with things you already have at   home I noticed that many craft shops are   no longer shipping worldwide and even   Amazon has limited the delivery of   non-essential items so I tried to keep   the supplies here as basic as possible   and you should also be able to find   these in supermarkets or pharmacies I've   also added a list of substitutes so be   sure to check the description box below   in case you're really missing something   in Austria it's now mandatory to wear   facemasks   in shops and public transport so the   first DIY is going to be a pig fleshie   with a removable facemask I think this   is a nice way for children to understand   what's going on and it helps them get   used to the sight of people wearing face   masks without feeling afraid this pig   can be made using a

Top Kawaii Plushies for Children

helo  35 this is not looking good Chris   she is alright so she's at Ocean on was   half way she's gonna beat you Chris oh   man it's so close   so she's halfway through the time and   she was about the same pace that crystal   was hold on hold on it's not over yet   it's not over till it's over come on no   she didn't beat you yet slow down Nancy   oh no slow down   Nancy ten nine eight   oh she has to get eight more oh she got   28 crystal he lost that's another point   for her team I think she's dead in there     so it comes down to one game guys you   can't even play Sophie whenever you're   ready so with this game how it works is   it's bingo so she has to win a ticket   and match numbers on that so once she   wins one of these tickets I'll show you   how it works if she doesn't win then   okay oh she got two all right oh yeah   al

Top Sweetest Plushies for Child

  hey guys are you ready for a challenge   ptew versus what's wrong with you check   the description you'll find a link to   their channel well we are going to be   challenging them at some games here in   Japan and the loser is gonna get a pie   to the face   I think Sophie wants it Sophie what's   the PI interface alright so the first   game we're gonna play is this tight   dough race game so in this game what you   have to do is press the button very fast   so crystals going to be on the left side   and Makai is gonna be on the blue side   and I'm gonna play two out of three   all right so you guys will see how it   works you guys ready are y'all position   alright here we go   alright so she'll give a countdown and   it's gonna add up the score as they're   pressing it   Oh crystal got it come on Chris you got   it Chris come on you're killing it you  

Top Large Sweet Plushies 2020

  hi guys and welcome back to macaroon   this plushie was inspired by a viral   video that I saw a few months ago which   showed a flipping octopus toy I actually   tried making a DIY version of that but   it ended up being a total fail since all   the tentacles are so difficult to sew so   I decided to try a simpler shape and   came up with this adorable owl and   penguin flush I love how this turned out   and you'll be amazed at how easy it is   to make like all of my flashy tutorials   there's no pattern cutting involved and   you only need to start using fluffy   socks these are normally sold in   discount shops or supermarkets and I've   also included loads of links below   Kawai plushies look good in any color so   you can easily make pink penguins or   purple owls there's no need to worry if   you can't find the same colored socks as   I'm using here first take the sock yo