Top Kawaii Plushies for Children
35 this is not looking good Chris
she is alright so she's at Ocean on was
half way she's gonna beat you Chris oh
man it's so close
so she's halfway through the time and
she was about the same pace that crystal
was hold on hold on it's not over yet
it's not over till it's over come on no
she didn't beat you yet slow down Nancy
oh no slow down
Nancy ten nine eight
oh she has to get eight more oh she got
28 crystal he lost that's another point
for her team I think she's dead in there
so it comes down to one game guys you
can't even play Sophie whenever you're
ready so with this game how it works is
it's bingo so she has to win a ticket
and match numbers on that so once she
wins one of these tickets I'll show you
how it works if she doesn't win then
okay oh she got two all right oh yeah
all right so she got two but she only
gets to keep doing so which one are you
gonna keep Sophie
she what's the rubberband all right so
which ones you gonna keep which one you
gonna keep it oh oh so how we're going
to determine the winner for this all
right so that's the lucky one how we're
gonna do this is whoever gets the most
numbers that match up so what should
under she's will unroll this and then
some of the numbers from over here are
going to be on this
you can't win a bingo of like a big
prize if you get five in a row but we're
doubtful that's gonna happen yeah so you
get one in the middle for free and then
she has to go each number each number to
find out what it has so she's gotten
another one that's an eight and then
what else all right she has 58 that's
besides the bonus the free space we'd
only count that one any others
police say there's no others this is
good for us I don't think she has any
others oh she said hold on hold on yeah
we'll double-check as well
74 yep it's up there oh I don't know
she's gonna get any more
is there a 52 on there - yep 50 - I see
it up there make she's up to four this
isn't going so well for her some of
these projects you don't get many
numbers hey good good but I'm hoping it
doesn't oh there's a 58 you got 23 on
there and yeah
72 no 17 no
13:05 doesn't look like it
21 no I'm thinking she's running out of
numbers actually I don't think she has
many more yeah so how many do you have
oh she doesn't want to give up alright
so it looks like it looks like she has
five plus the free space but now it's my
turn in the middle okay number three no
no no 54 0 75 no no 21 there's a free
space 49 there's a $61 14 there's not a
19 there's a 33 there is a 50 okay so
I'm only one behind
oh no that's a time
so we're both okay guys one
no a little bit more micaiah this'll be
a long process
keep going Makai I've got it going so we
hope you enjoyed that video don't we had
a fun time guys we hope you enjoy this
video you can find out all the
information for quiet a masters down in
the description the link to the channel
will be down in the description yeah
guys so thanks for watching we hope you
enjoy this video
you love that film as well
lastly just add some shading behind the
eyes and your owl flush is done now
simply flip it to the other side and
let's get started with a penguin take
the second piece of the white sock that
you cut out earlier and place this over
the tummy trim the base so looks
slightly rounded and repeated on the
other side for the penguin design you
want to sew the tummy part slightly
higher than on the owl and just like
before I'm going to place my hand inside
the plush to avoid sewing through the
layers when attaching the eyes try to
keep the eyes fairly low and wide apart
this is the cutest design we're making
kawaii characters next I'm making the
beak use needle funds once again you can
easily make this using fabric felt or
fluffy sock instead attach this onto the
face using small even stitches for the
finishing touch I'm going to use some
blusher just paint on some cute cheeks
and your penguin is done now for the
magic of flipping your two plushies back
and forth I think this is a great
seasonal DIY since in many countries
right now autumn is turning into winter
so why not change your owl into a
penguin I hope you enjoyed this video
and please subscribe to macaroon and my
other channel cute life hacks for more
creative DIYs like this I have a ton of
other plushie tutorials so be sure to
check out all the links below one of my
most popular soft plush videos was this
black cat Halloween tutorial from three
years ago since we're so close to
Halloween again why not give that a try
this is Johanna thank you so much
watching and I'll see you in my next
video bye
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