best kawaii cat plushies 2020

hi guys and welcome back to macaroon


this plushie was inspired by a viral


video that I saw a few months ago which


showed a flipping octopus toy I actually


tried making a DIY version of that but


it ended up being a total fail since all


the tentacles are so difficult to sew so


I decided to try a simpler shape and


came up with this adorable owl and


penguin flush I love how this turned out


and you'll be amazed at how easy it is


to make like all of my flashy tutorials


there's no pattern cutting involved and


you only need to start using fluffy


socks these are normally sold in


discount shops or supermarkets and I've


also included loads of links below


Kawai plushies look good in any color so


you can easily make pink penguins or


purple owls there's no need to worry if


you can't find the same colored socks as


I'm using here first take the sock you


want to use for the penguin and turn it


inside out then trim off any extra bits


if needed now find a water bottle or


soda can and pull the sock over it like




this simply stretches out the fabric and


prevent anything from accidentally


sticking to itself then take some


polyester stuffing or cotton wool and


pull off some small pieces about the


size of an egg apply a blob of hot glue


and start gluing the stuffing all over


the sock you can also glue the pieces of


stuffing to each other so everything is


more stable but be extra careful not to


burn your fingers try to use very small


amounts of view because bright hot blue


turns lumpy so if you apply too much at


once then you'll be able to feel this


through your plush keep going until your


sock looks a bit like a cotton candy on


a stick the whole purpose of this step


is to fix the stuffing onto the sock so


it doesn't slide around when you flip it


now take the second sock with the


correct side facing outwards pull this


over your stuffing as smoothly as




this might seem tricky at first but the


sock is actually extremely stretchy so


you just need to work in small steps


then gently push the stuffing around a


bit so everything looks even once you


have this owl penguin shape just cut off


any extra stock fabric it's best to do


both layers separately and trim the ends


so they look straight if you're not


following me on Instagram yet then


please go check it out under my username


macaron I always switch my videos to


public life on Instagram so if you're


following me there then you have the


best chances of getting to YouTube early


and having your comments seen or reply


to now take a needle and simply sew the


edges shut you don't need to use any


special techniques here however try to


make your stitches close to each other


this makes the edge a lot stronger so


there's no risk of stuffing coming out


when you flip the flash if you like


making plushies then please be sure to


watch my video here which shows you a


lot more sewing hacks such as how to tie


knots or hide the thread and now your


basic flipping flash is done flip this a


few times to see which side looks most


symmetrical this can be used as the


Front's of your owl next find another


sock in a different color and cut off


the toe section cut this open again


lengthwise so you have two round shapes


which are the perfect size for the tummy


position this onto the plush and sew the


edges down I recommend starting from the


middle and then sewing down one side


then doing the same on the other side


and saving the base to last this lets


you keep an eye on the shape and can


easily pull the fabric slightly to make


it look more symmetrical trim the base


of the tummy and sew this into place and


by the way if you don't want to make a


flipping plushie that you can always


stuff the toe of a sock and make a


normal penguin or owl plush using this


design next take the upper parts of the


sock and cut a partial circle into the




make sure the edges are still attached


to each other so you can get a shape


like this place this onto the owls face


and sew it into place try to use small


stitches that are very close to each


other because this keeps the edges needs


and prevents fluff from falling out


now grab two beads for the eyes the most


important thing to watch out for in this


step is that you don't accidentally sew


into the penguin layer by placing your


hand into the plush you can get a


feeling for how far you can go without


coming out the other side take a bit of


extra care here so you don't poke


yourself by accidents if you find this


part too difficult then you can always


use buttons instead or simply cut out


circles from black felt and stick those


on for the beak I'm actually going to


use needle Fell's because that's the


only thing I have at hand however you


can easily create a simple triangle


shape using fabric and sew that on


instead for the final touch I'm going to


use some soft pastel dust this step also


works great with eyeshadow since we only


need dark brown and black tones scrape


out some powder and then use a q-tip or


eyeshadow brush to paint some stripes


down the stomach the design for this owl


is inspired by the one from the film


lost in translation if you know which


scene by guyzzz take care.... 


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