top collection of plushies

hi everyone its milky welcome back to my


channel today I come to you with another


collection video and that is my flashy


collection this will probably be a long


video because I have a lot of plushies I


hope we're ready um I've been collecting


watches for several years now I just


think they're really cute and they make


me happy and they're fluffy and soft and


yes they're very good so um yes I guess


I'll just dive right in and show you


everything I mostly have less using two


categories I have the ones on my bed and


then I have bones that are decorating my


shelves and so I'll start with those


event because I'm on my bed


um I'll start with the ones I got most


recently it was given to me by my lovely


boyfriend and it's this unicorn and I


like so much we got it at Target which


is surprising because target usually


never has such cute things but he's


amazing I named him for champagne and


he's very lovely himself and huggable


and I've just been like hugging him


every night that I've been sleeping


because it's just very nice and soft and


very good there's also this one here


which is actually my boyfriend's


right now so yes but the other unicorn


that I have is that it's a very similar


it's this other one which is also from


Target like the big one um this one I


have called pretty much just freaky yes


quite harness this here is from Sanrio


she's their new cold rimi I think it's


the name of the character


Nikhil dreamy isn't her name maybe her


name is just new I'm gonna call her me


he's very cute she's very soft she


actually talks but I think a batteries


are dead or something so I can't


demonstrate that down but she was really


cute fluffy he's not super huggable


though because of the battery box in her


another one from Sanrio is this humility


strawberry she's like super soft and


squishy and all you wouldn't think it


based on how she looks she's actually


super duper huggable so nice next up is


good on me I don't know if this is


actually from Sanrio it's from some


collaboration with Samuel I got it on


Mercury or frill or one of those second


hand Japanese sites she's just cute


thought she was adorable I really like


to be a lighter color scheme of her


because although p.m. he is cute about


her dark color screamed at the dark


color scheme doesn't really appeal to me


but I thought that the great shades of


this were cute and she has like little


angel wings which I thought was really


precious and so she that's very good


next is this money from muse I think I


called Ichigo amuse plushies are really


great they're super soft and super


cuddly and


and she is right good I think I have a


super old unboxing video where I unboxed


her and I was just super happy because


I've never had such a cute soft plushy I


think she has kind of what started my


collection and she's very nice


she's a bit worn out now because I've


had her for many years now but she's


good and next it's another amuse plushy


and the discipline of chlorine which I


posed with often in my after photo


because he's just very cute and sleepy I


hold him a mint between strings and


Japanese this is also from amuse I think


you should still be able to find them


alight in places like Tokyo otaku mode


perhaps summer I got this one I forget


the site where I got came from but thank


you and then I think the last of my


amused plushies is this Becca I need you


maybe in my honor


maybe I think I can that before I've


been lucky but I don't remember


anyways it's super cute Oh Becca


actually think about her but in him


before I got the bunny maybe I think I


got a merit of similar


I got home for this one here he's soft


and cool and has perhaps seen better


days but that's the budgets that I have


them I better bit smaller I mean there


is this stock which I named Timmy after


the dog from undertale because cute


super fluffy my boyfriend also got me


this one I got it from a anime shop in


Boston so might be a bit hard to find


online I don't know what the brand is


although some Japanese company but


Frankie next I have this little Paco


perhaps it's a llama from the brand


jelly cat


my name's moved on he is cute and


Dinkley I'm very huggable because he's a


bit smart but he is cute


another chilly type of luxury which was


after than my first jelly type flesh is


this hippo really like the jelly cut


designs they're just a super cute and


sweet and they're very nice and then


also this one which is a thing funny it


has a thumb in her because it


technically is a baby toy but I really


wanted to like pink bunny and you feel


whoo and they had was one that had a


bell in it so I got her and she is yes


my name is strawberry milk oh I don't


believe has a name perhaps I shall


Tarot which is entirely creative okay


just tired was purple and he's purple


but good luck no I guess I'll take you


around the room and show you the


pleasures that I have elsewhere mostly


on my shelf also a few other small


places but let's go


um firstly on the floor and here my bed


on the cushion that I usually sit on I


have this Donald Simpson plush which I


got from a Disney shop many years ago as


well as this um I don't know the name of


this bunny it's from the same company


that makes gloomy there maybe it's


gloomy bunny his ears are super long but


they're a bit incoming it so I talked


them into a boat I got the sudden anime


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